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Posts tagged 2023
October Newsletter

Important: Remember to file your self-assessment before the end of January 2024, and it’s always better to do this before Christmas. Those who file their return before 30 December may also have the option of paying any tax owed through their PAYE tax code thereby spreading the cost.

Filing early also means that if customers owe money, they have plenty of time to explore which of the payment options available is best for them.

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Annja Louca2023
Expenses To Know About for Your Self-Assessment

Remember to file your self-assessment before the end of January 2024, and it’s always better to do this before Christmas. Those who file their return before 30 December may also have the option of paying any tax owed through their PAYE tax code thereby spreading the cost. Filing early also means that if customers owe money, they have plenty of time to explore which of the payment options available is best for them.Here are expenses that you should not forget about or miss when you have a limited company or your self-assessment

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Annja Louca2023
August Newsletter

I watched the funniest show at the fringe last week, called the Drag-queen Accountant. It was a lovely show and very funny.

I love when people can laugh at how bizarre their profession can be. Hope everyone had a great time at the fringe.

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Annja Louca2023
What You Need to Know About PAYE

PAYE and how it affects HMRC on a monthly basis

I know, I know – taxes and payroll can be a bit mind-boggling, but fear not! I'm here to break it down and make it painless.

So, let's unravel the mysteries of PAYE, ensure your payments are on point, and even sprinkle in some details about that sweet thing called Employment Allowance.

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Annja Louca2023
Registering for VAT, and How to Prepare

Today, we're diving into a topic that might seem a bit overwhelming at first glance, but trust me, it's not as scary as it sounds: getting VAT registered in the United Kingdom.

Now, I know what you're thinking – taxes and paperwork, ugh! But don't worry, I'm here to guide you through the process and make it as painless as possible.

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Annja Louca2023
June Newsletter

We hope all our lovely clients and community are having a lovely summer. We have been busy with lots of exciting stuff:

  • Annja and Esmerelda did non-executive director training through the ICAEW and it was really insightful; one of our blogs is about that 😊

  • Annja also ran the Edinburgh Half Marathon and it was a lot of fun in the sun, although legs were heard to complain afterwards!

  • International Coaching week was a great success. We got great reviews and one from Christine Smith stood out:

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Annja Louca2023
What We Learnt at Accountex 2023

We had a lovely day in London, walking around and listening to all the fabulous vendors and going to the webinars.

The main focus this year was on the cloud accounting software companies expanding their report offerings and also making payment integration easier and quicker.

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Annja Louca2023
Unlocking Special Capital Allowances

One area that often goes overlooked is special capital allowances available to Limited Companies for tax purposes. If you are intending on investing in your business by purchasing capital assets i.e. machinery, renovating a building etc., please contact us and we will assist you in understanding these allowances.

In this blog post, we will explore the various types of special capital allowances that can be claimed:

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Annja Louca2023
VAT, Cashflow Planning, and Holding Companies - March Newsletter😊

Happy new tax year our lovely Anlo community. Everyone worked hard to get all the 2021/2022 tax returns submitted and paid on time.

We start a new tax year, and working towards getting financials and returns calculated early so that we stay on the good side with HMRC but also have some time to do some cashflow planning.

If your situation has changed or you have moved or have new contact details, please get in touch so that we can update your details where it is appropriate.

We can start your personal tax return as early as the 6th of April, so if you want to be an early bird, then send your information on 😊

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Annja Louca2023
Feburary Tax Updates

I don’t know what else to say other than I have really missed taking the time to write this newsletter. Sitting down and writing our company newsletters was like writing to friends and telling them about things that can make their lives easier.

I can only apologise for being so quiet, and I promise to write more 😊

So here goes….

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Annja Louca2023
Corporation Tax Changes To Know

The corporation tax rate will change from 19% to 25% from the 1st of April 2023 for companies that make a profit over £250 000.

A small profits rate (SPR) has been introduced for companies with profits of £50,000 or less so that they will continue to pay Corporation Tax at 19%.

When I initially heard about this change, I did not think it will affect most of my clients as I help SME’s. But then they brought in this in between rate (as below), and I honestly don’t know what this means and there is NO guidance on what this ‘in between’ rate will be.

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Annja Louca2023